Join me in America next month! + my favourite journaling questions

Hellooo! I hope you’re having the best week so far.

I am so excited to be heading to Philadelphia mid-July to photograph a beautiful soul (!) with other US destination possibilities popping up too. If you’d like to explore shooting together while I’m in the US (maybe you’re based there or would like to fly out and join me!?) or catch up in person - please reach out!

I’d like to gratefully invite you to consider who you know in the US that may be interested in this opportunity while I’m in the country! You can connect us at! Thank you so much.

I also wanna talk about what we find in our quiet and solitude, and the power of morning journaling and intention setting.

The last few weeks and months have been very full for me, but journaling never stops.  Sometimes self-care can feel like a lot to fit in when there's lots 'to do', but I know when I’m committed to my personal practices I feel more rooted in my light and truth throughout the day and this alignment echoes through all of my interactions. Do you feel the same? What are your non-negotiable personal practices?

Coming back to a series of questions each morning that I curated for myself over the years is really helpful.

Sometimes I mix and match them, only ask a few, or change the words to suit me that day to find clarity and live more intentionally. I have another amazing set of questions for evening reflection too which I’ll share soon! Here are some of my favorites.

Morning Journal Questions

  1. How am I feeling today (in my mind, body & spirit)? Starting off with noticing how I’m really feeling in the morning helps me to bring awareness to where I'm at, feel into what IS good, and what I can do to be better that day if I'm not feeling my best. I find myself being kind or more realistic about what I’m able to achieve rather than overwhelming myself with action to take!
  2. What am I in appreciation of/grateful for/thankful for? I write out at least 3+ things and expand on each one - and really feel into my appreciation! It can be anything from the bed you had to sleep in last night, an aspect of your health, a dear friend, the clients you're attracting, your car, the plumbing system in your house, the money you DO have, an experience you had this week, the food in your fridge, where you are in the world... When we train ourselves to look for amazing things we cant help but notice all the good stuff there actually is all around, and manifest more joy and wonder in the world! You create positive momentum when you truly feel gratitude and joy and it's such an amazing way to start the day.
  3. What needs to happen for it to feel like the best day possible? Maybe it would feel good to get that 'thing' ticked off your list you've been totally putting off (but really wanna do!). Maybe it's to go for a walk in nature, practice yoga, meditate. Maybe it's to reach out to someone you love. Maybe it's giving yourself permission to allow joy to flow through your actions today and resist mindlessly ploughing through the tasks of your day.
  4. What one action would bring me the most joy, relief, pleasure today?
  5. How will I honour my mind, body, spirit, creativity today?
  6. What loving action could I do for another? (a loved one, a client, a stranger, a neighbor, the person serving you at the store...)
  7. What are my intentions for today? For this one I usually round up the above pieces along with any thing else I'd like to set myself for the day!

I then find myself with clear intentions which I leave open on my table and return to. I'd recommend taking your time to ponder these and enjoy the practice of feeling it out - at least 20-30 minutes or more if you can! If you aren't able to for whatever reason, I feel even considering them in your head is better than starting the day without checking in.

I’ve heard of a great Abraham-Hicks technique called the Placemat Process where you write out the things you WILL do today (simple, reasonable and short list of the things you’re going to do), and on the other side write out ‘things the Universe will do today’ and write everything else that you’d like to have happen, for these things to be resolved. A non-action path to resolution where there is no resistance to achieving these because there is no desperation or attachment. Have you tried it? I’m going to start doing it!

Let me know if you find these questions useful or how you get on with your journal practice? What tools or ideas do you find most useful? I'd love to know!

Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week!


Becky x

P.S. I have a few spaces left for shoots in August so email me now if you'd like to explore your personal brand, or book in your clarity call here, and we'll dream up the photographs we can create together!