5 Reasons I've Booked My Own Photoshoot for 2018

Helloooo! I hope you had a great first month of 2018. Since my last update some exciting things have been going on that I wanted to share with you!

The launch meeting of The Space Brighton!

The launch meeting of The Space Brighton!

  1. I’m now coaching + mentoring creative entrepreneurs - something I've wanted to do for a long time - I was waiting for the 'right time' to offer this and after a flurry of inquiries, I decided to go for it! I'm LOVING supporting others on their journey and have received some amazing feedback from my new clients as they get clear on their next steps. If you're interested in coaching with me, send me a message and let's speak!
  2. Fab personal branding shoots are coming up in the UK and beyond (including Italy in February with amazing Grace Kelly!) woohoo!
  3. I launched an in-person monthly membership group for creatives in Brighton with my dear friend JudeThe Space! It was absolutely beautiful for us to bring people together, deliver meditations, trainings on mindset, meaningful conversations about the creative & business life, and set intentions for the month ahead. Excited for our next meeting on 15th Feb! There are a couple of spaces if you'd like to join us. (Yay come to Brighton!). I'm feeling so grateful for all of these exciting things to be unfolding.

Another thing I'm excited about is my own upcoming photo shoot!

Below I'm sharing my top five reasons that booking a photoshoot is transformational not only for your branding and marketing, but for your mindset, your vision and confidence. I hope you find these points useful and thought provoking! Let me know what you think...

I have one space left for a photo shoot in February and three places in March, so if you're taking your business to the next level in 2018 and need vibrant new photographs to help get your message out there, email me here :)

With love as always,

Becky xx

5 Reasons I've Booked My Own Photoshoot for 2018

Photography has a magical way of evoking emotion, creating connection and bringing us together... you know that from looking at the portraits in galleries, or from the way photos have drawn you to buy from people online (or turned you away!).

I use photography all across my website as a way to infuse it with my personality, on social media, and in my emails to my list, it works really well. I found it interesting that my 'top nine' from 2017 (the most 'liked' images) included 4/9 photos of me... It goes to show how much people engage with the PERSON behind the business and the message. How are you showing up in yours?

When you offer a service that is personal, it's important that your clients and followers can connect with you from the start. Updating my shots is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, as a lot has shifted since my last shoot: I moved cities, there were big changes in my business and personal life, and, like, my hair has grown loads!

Having a new photoshoot is of course a considerable investment, and sometimes sending money into our businesses can feel scary, especially when there are so many different ways that we could invest it for different types of returns. How do you know whether your photo shoot is really going to pay off? Below are my top five reasons that I believe in the power and investment in personal branding photography, and what I benefit from, every time I do a shoot. I had no idea how transformational it really was until I did it!

1. I get soooo much clarity on my personal brand, my message, my offerings and my next steps. To make sure we co-create photos that will resonate with my business and to get the most out of the shoot, I take myself through the process that I coach my clients through; a series of deep and thoughtful questions. It takes me to the core of my business as I evaluate my brand, values, ideal clients, direction, plans for my marketing and more. This is a space I looove to hold for my clients, and is a transformational part of the process before the shoot day is even here. It's been amazing to do this for myself.

2. I feel renewed energy in my biz, commitment to my mission and my peeps When we take a scary exciting leap in the direction of our GROWTH, we show ourselves that we believe in ourselves and feel fired up about our power to make a bigger positive impact in the world. (Sometimes making a sizeable investment in yourself that challenges you to SEE and honour yourself will do that!).

3. I understand how my clients feel, create better content and a better photoshoot experience. Knowing what having a shoot is like from my clients perspective helps me to give the best advice, support and content to my clients and followers from my personal experience. It also demonstrates my genuine care and helps to create a deeper personal connection. What difference has investing in the type of work that you offer made to you and your clients experience?

4. I feel way more confident to share online! When the photographs I'm using feel like me, I am more likely to show up, I feel more at ease and happy about how I come across. When we're using shots that are really out of date or out of alignment, it feels draining to share them. Sometimes this actually stops us from showing up at all which means the world doesn't get to hear the message you are here to share, and obviously this is very damaging for your business.

5. I quickly create more engagement with my clients and followers. Because... A) I have brand new valuable content to share (see point 3!)
B) I share more because I have new photos and it's fun to update everything!
C) Google ranks your website higher in search results the more recently updated it was with visual content - therefore updating your website with new images will help boost its ranking.
D) I have maintained a personal relationship with my clients who genuinely care and are interested in how I've evolved since my last photos, and are excited to see the new shots!

I'm going back to this blog post below as I prepare for my shoot: Five powerful questions to ask yourself before your next shoot

If updating your photographs is something you know you want to do to start this year, email me by replying to this message.

Let's catch up and explore the kinds of photographs that will best serve you in sharing your message, connecting with your ideal clients, and making the world a better place.

I've got one space left for a February session three spaces available for March... (omg yay Springtime!!

Speak soon and big hugs,

Becky xx