5 ways to prepare for your next photo-shoot, right now!


Whether your next photo-shoot is booked and in the diary (cannot wait!), or whether it’s something you’re planning to schedule later in the year, you can start getting ready right now, and support your future self!

Allowing these ideas to percolate sooner than later will help you to:

  • clarify what you need from your next session

  • feel inspired for your photo-shoot, and

  • help future-you to have the most powerful, enjoyable and successful photo-shoot! Yay!

Here are five tips to help you start preparing, today.

  1. Start making a mood board.

    Seeing photos online that you’d love to emulate or draw from in some way? Save, pin, screenshot away! When you see artwork, portraits, brand photos that delight you, keep a record of it! Make a folder on your phone or start a Pinterest board to get all your ideas in one place. This will be useful for referring back to later, or for sharing with your photographer! (Quick tip on Pinterest boards: Please call the name of your Pinterest board ‘<YOUR NAME> photo-shoot’, or similar. Starting it with your name is so helpful, as we photographers get sent a lot of inspiration boards, and they often have the same title! This can make it hard to find the one we’re looking for! Thank you.)

  2. Make a playlist of songs that make you feel GOOD.

    Having the best soundtrack for your shoot can make you feel more at ease on the day and help you get in the zone! Whether you’re wanting to listen to something super chilled, or something more upbeat and funky, get those tunes on a playlist and make sure it’s downloaded ahead of your session!

  3. Notice how you’re wanting to dress & show uP.

    Bringing awareness to how you want to dress and show up will really help when it comes to choosing outfits for your photos later. Notice what you feel like wearing, and what you’d like to be wearing. Check out this post for an expanded exploration & top tips on choosing the best outfit for your shoot.

  4. Notice where you’re wanting to hang out & work from.

    Start considering the kinds of environments you’re drawn to, places you’re enjoying and wanting to go, and what it is you like about different locations. Is it the aesthetic, the lighting, the vibe, the space? Consider whether these locations might be suitable for your photo-shoot or what they inspire for your own workspace. Read my top tips on choosing the best setting for your shoot here!

  5. Make a note of photos you’d love to have.

    Every time you’re sending an email to your list, posting on social, making a new page on your side and find yourself thinking ‘I could do with a new photo for that’, write it down! As your photographer we’ll plan the best shot-list for your session together, but compiling a list of photos you already know you need is super helpful and empowering! (Check out this list for more ideas, if you need them!)


Need magnetic new photos to connect with your people?

Book a call with me here, and we’ll get clear on the kinds of photos that will best support you!