The wiggly journey of being on camera

Being on camera is something I have had to learn to become more comfortable with.

It has felt like an important part of my own inner work and my ‘job’ as a photographer.

I don’t feel in integrity asking my clients to show up on camera if I myself am always avoiding it.

I don’t feel in integrity, inviting them to honour themselves and ‘take up space’ on their shoot, if I am not in some practice of this myself.

Self acceptance, self esteem, confidence, body neutrality/positivity, if that’s what I’m pointing to here, seems to me to be to be a journey, a wiggly one, not something to ‘complete’ or ‘accomplish’.

I appreciate the opportunities to explore what being seen through the lens feels like, to notice what comes up for me… the insecurities, the fear, the discomfort, as well as the fun and the surrender, so I can get some understanding of the range of experience my clients may have, and support them through that in our sessions… and allow the wonder of who they are, under the fears, to shine through, be seen and felt.

Being on camera does not come naturally to so many of us for so many valid reasons I would like to dig into more…

I expect to always be on a journey with being okay on camera as my own face, body and mind changes over the years.

Thankful to my sweet pal @ioanniscrouch_films for snapping these pics of me on my camera at the wonderful @happystartups Summercamp back in September. ❤️

P.S. I’m sharing this as part of @susannahconway’s #decemberreflections2023. Todays prompt is ‘here I am’.