Somerset Nature Photography - Wild Roses


Opposite our bedroom window there is a beautiful old gate. It would once have hung between the huge stone posts at the entrance to the little gatehouse where we live. It rests now, waiting to be restored against a wall that marks the boundary between our dusty lane and the fields.

In the summer, wild roses tumble over the wall, through the old gate, and pour down to the mulchy ground, exploring somewhere new to take root.

This year there was an absolute abundance of flowers! They were SO pretty, softly clustered together - bright pops of pink in the palette of summer.

I wished those little blooms could stay forever, there to greet every loved one who visited! One evening when the light was just perfect I went out with my camera to make a few photos. With the long dry grasses, leafy hogweed, sparkling dock seeds and twinkle of sticky-weed, they formed an absolute masterpiece right there from our window.

Now they are gone, and the pink has turned to brown and it’s the last day of August. I’m feeling very thankful to have had the chance to soak up so much joy from this gift of natural beauty, and to get to experience the changing of the seasons so intimately. 🌸🌿🌞

Prints available here.

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Nature photography by Becky Rui on Exmoor. Pink wild roses in the evening summer light.
Nature photography by Becky Rui, Exmoor, Wild Roses
Nature photography by Becky Rui on Exmoor. Pink wild roses in the evening summer light.
Nature photography by Becky Rui on Exmoor. Pink wild roses in the evening summer light.
Nature photography by Becky Rui on Exmoor. Pink wild roses in the evening summer light.

Prints available here.