On taking time for art + a tool to move through perfectionism!

In a world that can feel so focussed on work, money and productivity, it can feel radical to take time for art.

…liberating, freeing, a celebration of life between me, my paper and pencil.

I’m nearing the end of the 30 Day Sketchbook challenge and it’s been a wonderful journey. (You can see my art IG @beckyruistudio if you’d like!)

One of the things that’s helped me to show up for sketching most, is setting a timer for my practice (an idea suggested by my bestie, Kate). It’s such a simple tool, but extremely powerful.

I think to myself, ‘how long have I got right now?’. Then I set a timer, and GO!

This way of working means I stop thinking I have all the time in the world to get it ‘right’ and just get it down, in 5, 10, 20 minutes. It often produces an unexpected outcome and reminds me that mess and freedom is available to me. This is an AMAZING tool for working through perfectionism.

Having this tool also challenges the recurring thought, ‘I don’t have time today’, because, surely I can set a timer for five minutes, and see what happens? Of course, once the timer goes off, I want to keep going, and I usually do. It’s a very useful way to get myself started rather than putting it off ‘until I have time’.

This morning when I opened my calendar for today, I saw that yesterday-me had scheduled sketching for 30 mins this morning!

…Omg! My initial thought was a sneaky ‘I’ll just move that to…. this evening…..?’. But then I remembered that tapping into creativity every day is a commitment I am choosing, and made this woodland sketch based on the prompt ‘shadow’.

I felt very grateful and privileged to get to choose art before work this morning.

Thanks @learninglinocut for the 30 Day Sketchbook Challenge.

Here are some of my recent creations!

What helps you to show up for your creativity? I am ALL EARS for your tips and tools! Comment below!