Wild flower meadow & the next Commit to Creativity Workshop!

I often feel lucky that photography is one of the ways I am drawn to make art, as it quite often feels like both a medium for creating AND (in the process of observing and exploring) it inspires me and fills my creative well. It gives me ideas for paintings, helps me slow down, notice what there is to notice. Having said that, it’s also really important for me to go out without my camera or phone a lot too, and experience my walks without constantly seeking the next image.

The field by our little house is now cow-less ☹️, it has been for a while, and in the past month it has absolutely exploded with flowers! There are beehives at one end so you have to tread carefully. Here are a few pics from last nights wander after a busy day! It was sooo pretty!

P.S. if you want to make space for your art practice, whatever your medium, but are struggling to make it happen, come along to my workshop Commit to Creativity on Friday 9th July. We’ll connect with the magical powers of creativity, get inspired and address what’s in your way right now. Link to book your spot here!

Wild flower meadow by Becky Rui - Nature photography Somerset
Rhododendrons by Becky Rui - Nature photography Somerset
Ferns by Becky Rui - Nature photography Somerset
Woods by Becky Rui - Nature photography Somerset
Wild flower meadow by Becky Rui - Nature photography Somerset
June Walk-007.jpg
Woods by Becky Rui - Nature photography Somerset
June Walk-009.jpg

Find some of my prints on my Etsy shop here!