My WHY + come along to the Make Space mini gathering on Friday 2nd April!

My wish for myself & all humans (especially for those who channel so much creativity into our professional work!), is that when we look back on our lives, these years, at where we channeled our energies, we feel yes, we have made a positive difference through our work, the amazing things we made for our clients, and have supported ourselves financially, ‘doing what we love’. (hopefully so much of what we’ve made in our careers will be part of our lifes meaningful work!)

But I also wish that alongside the designs we drew up for commercials, we sketched out work of our spirits.

That alongside writing for other peoples websites, we wrote for & from our hearts.

That when we weren’t making films for brands, we captured that which fills our being with wonder.

That we danced & sung & played for others, AND our souls expression.

That we didn’t fill our creative wells only in order to sell later, but to enrich our experience of this one & only life, and channel its fullness into our unique art.


In our society, we too often feel too time short, too tired, too exhausted of creative energy because we’ve channeled it elsewhere. Because we’ve bought into a mindset that keeps us on the hamster wheel, even though we may be privileged enough to have a choice.

We tell ourselves our personal creative ideas are not worthy; they are not a means to financial ends, they are not really serious, or world changing or important. No time.

I’ve created Make Space, a 4 month journey to reconnect with creativity because I believe YOUR creativity *does* matter. Because through bringing time & kind attention to our creative lives we can re-write this untrue story & play again!

Because when we gather, hold one another lovingly accountable to making our weird, wonderful, sacred, messy, joyous work & feel supported, so much possibility & inspiration can flow.

I’m holding a space for you, creative soul, to reclaim time & energy for your heart & your art, to live in relationship w/ your creativity & trust it!

Join me for a cosy, free & explorative Make Space mini-gathering on Friday 2nd April 10-10:30am to get a feel for what this journey is all about. It’ll be fun! Sign up at