The process of my paintings

Forest Stream-001.jpg
Forest Stream Photo.jpg
Forest Stream-002.jpg

The process of my paintings usually start with a moment of experiencing something so beautiful I feel compelled to try and recreate it & get to spend more time with it in my mind!

Most times I’ll photograph the thing if possible & paint from that.

I tend to use goache paints and begin with the background first, this helps me to see where things are going and then I can layer on top of that and create depth. I get the clean edges by putting masking tape around the ‘frame’ of where I’ll paint on the page.

This little painting came from that process…

I loved walking in the beautiful Cowdray Forest of Sussex when I lived in Brighton. Last Spring it was an absolute abundance of rolling ferns, towering pink foxgloves, nettles, lush green leaves whispering on ancient oaks and beech, singing birds and a deep-cut trickling stream finding its way through the forest… it was just so magical there. I took quite a lot of photos on my visits & then came home to try and capture the magic for myself.

I mostly painted tiny paintings back then as it was a good way to be able to start AND finish something in one sitting which I liked being able to do. Also I just love tiny things!

Making time for my artwork has become so much more of a priority in my life in recent years, it’s an integral part of how I move through the world and make sense of it.

It’s a part of my heart that needs to be expressed for me to be me. I think we all have our own versions of that... our creative impulses and visions are something to honour and own. 💙

Where do you express your creativity?

P.S. If you’re feeling the call to return to your art & creative experiments but struggling to make it happen alone, come join me at Make Space (starting next month)! Make Space is a four month journey to reconnect with your creativity & get lit up about making things again, as part of a supportive group of just 6 womxn. I would love to have you there. 💙 Find out more here.

P.P.S. This tiny painting is available now as a print in my Etsy shop at


Day 17: Process #marchmeetthemaker2021