Thank you for your support! - Frosty Morning Print - Goache Painting Somerset


Feeling so very grateful to the friends, clients, family (and ACTUAL STRANGERS you guys!) who’ve been buying my prints in my my shop at Thank you!

Getting back into painting and drawing was one of the best things I did last year and am continuing to practice (read more about my creative process and #the100dayproject on my blog, here). Making prints to share with people is such a fun evolution of that! This is the newest painting to the shop and a bit about it.

Now that I live in a valley I often get terrible FOMO about how good the views might be looking from the hilltops... this compels me to grab my camera and head up through the woods to see what I can see. I painted this outlook from a photograph I made on one of those days... finding myself in a hilltop field which we now go back to quite often. It was a gorgeously sunny and frosty morning that day. Steam slowly rose up from the melting ice, over the trees and from all the places the light touched. It was instantly inspiring and the idea for the painting lived in my head for a while before attempting to recreate it!

I really enjoyed the aspect of layering the trees in this one, and working with the long shadows over the hills. My favourite bit of it is the darker foreground trees where it looks like if you were inside the painting you could turn a corner and be out of the sight of the viewer!

Frosty Morning Becky Rui BeckyRuiStudio Somerset Artist.jpg

Here’s the link to find out more about the print which is available now.