Black Lives Matter Protest in Brighton, June 2020

Photos from the Black Lives Matter protest in Brighton on Saturday 13th June 2020.

To my White friends. We cannot *witness* this moment from a position of privilege. We must engage with what is happening and what has been happening, educate ourselves and examine ourselves, the part we play in perpetuating systemic racism by default, the beliefs and behaviours that maintain injustice and oppression in our culture and around the world, and realise that it is our work to dismantle this together through action. I have spent these past weeks doing this work in a far more active way; reading, listening, watching, learning, and having conversations in realtime. This is obviously ongoing essential work.

I am posting this here now because I do want it to be clear where I stand, for anyone that is wondering why I haven’t posted.

Fear of and shame in acknowledging what is happening and 'getting it wrong' when speaking out, is just one of the many destructive elements of white privilege that allows racism and white supremacy to continue, and it’s just *SO* not about us white people feeling safe from those feelings.

I am examining myself, my work/business practice and our world, and am committed to this ongoing work.

In case for any reason you’ve missed anti racist resources and articles being shared, here are some:

Here are a few others I’d like to share:

Welcome To The Anti-Racism Movement — Here’s What You’ve Missed:…/welcome-to-the-anti-racism-movement-he…

Trainings, videos, books, workshops (especially around equity, diversity and inclusion in business):
