Personal Brand Photography Windsor - Judeline Nicholas - Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity Consultant & Coach

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I was thrilled to work with beautiful Judeline on her personal brand shoot near her home in Windsor earlier in the Autumn :) What a fun day we had, and the most stunning September weather!

As an equity, diversity and inclusivity consultant and trainer to businesses in the public sector and SME’s she works to help her clients become more inclusive and equipped, acknowledge and address their biases, feeling empowered to know they have the resources to make a more positive difference.

Bringing much creativity to this work she loves to see her clients grow and transform their understanding and awareness to create more diverse communities in the workplace and personal impact. As a coach to BAME leaders, she holds a high quality space for her clients to reflect, allow themselves to think freely and grow into their fullest potential.

We wanted to create really natural photographs for her website and social media that would bring her warm and vibrant personality across, professionalism and experience, her strength while also her softness.

We wanted to show her in a way that was as approachable as she really is, in a way that conveyed her deep empathy, grounded-ness and creativity. I love the set we made!

Reflecting on locations that would be personal to her, we focussed on shooting in venues where she’d usually meet clients, host workshops or take walks, so it was lovely for me to get that window into her world on the day!

You can find out more about Judelines important work on her website here and see some of my favourites from our session below!

What difference would vibrant new photos make to your business in 2021?

If you know it’s time to take the leap and invest in high-quality and high-vibe portraits for you website and social media, pop me a message and we’ll talk about what we can create together!

There are just five spots left for shoots between now and the end of Feb.

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Looking for natural photos that will connect with your ideal clients and give you the confidence to show up more fully online in your business?

If you know it’s time to take the leap and invest in high-quality and high-vibe portraits for you website and social media, send me a message today and we’ll talk about your best shoot.

We’ll explore your brand and message, and feel-in to the kinds of images that will best serve you.

There are just five spots left for shoots between now and the end of Feb.