Nancy Florence - Personal Branding Photography in London


Nancy is an expert coach for busy mamas in business, empowering them to live out their own definition of success as a mother and in the career they totally love.

As we explored our ideas for this shoot, I was really keen to show different aspects of Nancys life that are so relevant to the work she does, and to help her ideal clients relate - in the places she hangs out, meets people and work from, outdoor spaces near her home with London backdrops, and of course playing with her beauuutiful girls! Omg this was so much fun!

Telling real stories in personal branding is what it’s all about... Check out Nancys website here and how she's using the photos. And you can find her on Insta here!

Ready to update your branding photography and get visible? Email me at and let's find a time to catch up!