Lambs playing in the fields - Personal Work

Baby Lambs in Springtime, Somerset by Becky Rui

A couple of weeks ago we explored walking in a new direction from our home.

I had seen soooo many cute baby lambs on my drives lately but had not been able to stop and say hi! I was going in search of baby lamb time :)

I used to be a bit scared of going into fields where there were farm animals, even sheep! But having been living in the countryside for a lil while now and having observed the quite friendly cows in the field next to our house over this past 5 months and gotten a sense of their nature, I have respect and cautiousness around them, but I feel a bit more okay about mindfully crossing their space.

We sat quietly amongst the sheep and their little ones in huge connected fields, and it was so so lovely to watch their inquisitive nature!

The lambs were all hanging out in pairs with their twin, or at least were always nearby to their twin. This became obvious as any time I slowly approached a lamb, it’s matching numbered counterpart would quickly come trotting over and baa at me! It was as if it was getting ready to defend its sibling or buddy up. Or maybe they were just saying hello.

Some of the lambs stayed close to their mothers always, while others seemed to be off and away in runaway packs, jumping and chasing around together like the naughty ones.

As we left the field and started walking home, we noticed a group of four lambs running purposefully together. They were racing each other! They were definitely playing. They ran back and forth, from a row of trees in the field to a certain point on the grass, before stopping and looking at each other, then they’d all of a sudden lurch back into a full pelt run back to the starting point. It was so funny and sweet! I was standing on a path next to the field capturing these lil guys playing and they briefly stopped for this portrait all looking towards the camera (pic 9). I was so happy to see this beautiful moment and get to capture it. Such beautiful little beings!

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